Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Do you ever hear those people who say that I live life with no regrets?  Does anyone ever actually believe them?  I mean seriously, can anyone ever live without regrets?  I feel like if you truly live without regret, in reality you are probably just so high that you don't remember the things that you should regret... or you just don't realize what you should regret because you aren't intelligent enough.  I know this seems like a rant, but I suppose my point is that we sometimes have such a focus on the now that we don't look at the long term.  I think this happens at all points in our life, in High School we often can't see beyond graduation.  In college, all we can focus on is the hard class we are currently failing or the next date.

  For me, I regret that I can't do more here at campus and I can't do better in my classes.  I am definitely one of those people that is focusing on the class I am not doing well in, this time Arabic.  I have to remember that college is not about one class, and life isn't about one experience but a conglomeration.  When I am on my deathbed I won't be judged by how well I did in intermediate Arabic, but by the tenor and focus of my life.  It isn't easy, it isn't supposed to be.  But my life should focused on improving the lives of those around me and making the world a better place.  I suppose this all sounds a little idealistic, but really... who isn't idealistic in college right?

1 comment:

  1. I live without regrets. You say "if you truly live without regret, in reality you are probably just so high that you don't remember the things that you should regret... or you just don't realize what you should regret because you aren't intelligent enough". This doesn't apply to me. I know what I SHOULD regret but I choose to learn from that instead. Regrets hold you back. If you make one mistake and regret it, you are never going to do it again. I don't see just the small picture, but I see the big picture of MY life. I know what I want, I don't know how I'm going to get there yet but I know I WILL make my best efforts to do it. If I don't get there, I still won't regret it because I know I would have done every thing I could. There is no point to regrets because they only make you feel like you can't do something, when anything is possible if it is meant to be.
