Sunday, June 17, 2012

American Politics.....

Well, it has been quite a while since last I posted on here. Like many people, real life got in the way of my blogosphere life and I didn't have much to comment on that I couldn't say in public. However, recently I have realized just how much I don't like American politics.  Many people might wonder about this comment because I am an international relations major, read the news incessantly, and usually use my facebook page as another avenue for posting slightly inflammatory political news.  However, I still don't like politics... I like government.

  For me, there is a clear distinction between government and politics, which people don't always see.  I would generally define government as the acts, institutions, and theories behind governance whereas politics are the thoughts, arguments, theories, and ideals which help people influence governance.  Specifically in America, I dispise the fact that our politics are so marginalizing.  Look at President Obama's most recent act to provide work visas to illegal alien youth and the hatred it has caused from many people in the opposition.  Members of my family have said that this is tantamount to high treason, that Obama is a fascist and many other things.  Do we even know what treason or fascism is?  Our political discussion in our country is no longer a discussion at all, it is simply a Facebook page filled with knee jerk reactions full of hatred, bigotry, and stupidity.  I like government, and studying it, because government is how we solve problems and help people.  Politics is how we fill up the evening news and make friends and family angry at one another for almost no purpose.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Life is Crazy

Hello Blog-o-sphere!

  I doubt people read this, but I started it and I'm gosh-darn gonna post on it when I get a chance!

Since getting married back in December my life has been crazy and awesome at the same time.  Being married is awesome, and while a challenge, is both amazing and simplifying at the same time.  It is quite wonderful and I am grateful for it.

"Luke, I manage your 401K"
  On other notes, I'M INTERNING WITH GOLDMAN SACHS THIS SUMMER!!!  Now, If you would have told me two months ago that I was going to seek an internship with one of the largest and well-known financial institutions in the world, or that they were going to give me a full-time offer once I graduated I would tell you that you were nuts!  Me in BANKING?  Are you kidding?  Most of my family and friends think of this infamous man to the right when they think of Goldman Sachs and have ribbed me extensively about seeking this internship.  Although I don't know if I want to work for Goldman for the rest of my life I think this is a wonderful opportunity for me.

1) I hate ignorance and one of the biggest things I am ignorant of is business.  This is especially problematic for two reasons, first 80% of International Relations majors end up in the business world and second, I make fun of business majors all the time but I don't know anything about them!  That's really dumb and unfair, so I need to learn before I judge!

2)  Goldman Sachs is one of the most prestigious and successful businesses in the world.  By interning at Goldman I we not only see the best of the business world, I will learn amazing professional skills, first-hand experience, and a certain amount of prestige for earning one of these extremely difficult positions.  All of those are great reasons.

3)  It pays.  Really, after getting married it is difficult for me to justify a lot of unpaid internships or trips and this was an opportunity to do reasons 1 and 2 while getting paid for it, pretty sweet right?

Overall, I am excited about my internship this summer if a little scared about working in such a professional atmosphere and with so many successful people.  I expect to be overwhelmed but also to learn a lot and know whether or not business is a good fit for me.

I think one of the goals of an undergraduate education is to understand what I'm interested and good at so that I can focus better in graduate studies and career aspirations.  I'm grateful that I get to try so many different avenues and am blessed with wonderful family, a supportive wife, and a religion that guides and supports me.  I know that this blessing, like all others, is a gift and a privilege and for that I thank Him.  I hope all of you are doing well and have a wonderful weekend!