Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A'ed Istiklal!

This is a video I made for a competition at my university. It's only two minutes long but it describes one of the coolest experiences I had while studying abroad this summer in Jordan. I hope you enjoy it!


  1. so, i'll leave a more positive comment on youtube, but I have to say that as I look at these photos of this celebration, there are NO women in them. Where are they? And I know that there were a few girls who were in your internship, and I would like to know if they felt any bias or sexism from the culture. Help my curiosity and my ignorance, thanks!

  2. This is actually something that I have thought about a lot believe it or not. First of all, to answer your question... in Jordan Women and Men are not allowed to dance with each other. If there are men around, women won't really dance (unless they are in less conservative or more western areas) so that leaves the men to all dance with each other. To answer the next question is quite difficult with me not being a girl, but I do feel like they felt out of place. Gender relations are much different there and hard for a western woman to get used to. I am probably going to be crucified for this comment but is sexism the same across cultures? I think that is an interesting questions. Besides the basic human rights that should be granted to all people, how do we define sexism and does that definition change between cultures? I don't know... it's very interesting
